As we prepare for the festive season, we expect these
celebrations to be a time of happiness and joy. But these
celebrations can be financially stressful.
Now is the time to plan with these 7 suggestions
Plan ahead - make a list of everyone you intend to buy a
present for and write the amount you intend to spend on
them. Think of alternate less expensive gifting options.
Don’t stop paying your regular bills - Although it is
tempting to do this so that you have extra money for the
festive season - it will only make it harder in January to get
on track. Keep up with regular bills and set a budget that you
can afford.
Beware of interest free deals - these are only good if you
can pay off the entire amount before the end of the interest
free period. Make sure you do the sums yourself and pay
more than the minimum required otherwise you could be
paying a high interest charge.
Shop with a purpose - Take your gift giving list when you
shop. Avoid spending more than you need to or can afford.
Think about groceries in November - there are lots of things
you can purchase ahead of the big day to make it easier. Start
planning your festivities now and see what you can start to
purchase rather than leaving it till the end.
Be thoughtful - chances are you are not the only one
worrying about the costs to be incurred over the festive
season. Your family and friends might be feeling the same.
Consider discussing with your loved ones about how to make
the holiday less expensive and yet an enjoyable time for
everyone (ie: Kris Kringle/pooling money for food/presents
only for kids).
Reuse gift wrapping – Retain any ribbon and gift bags that
you may have received and use them next year... great for
saving the environment too.
(Valid 11/23/2012 12:00am EST - 11/26/2012 11:59pm EST)
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou