Saturday, December 20, 2014

Home Security For The Holidays

The last thing anyone needs to spoil their perfect holiday is to come home to find their possessions damaged or stolen.  

The following simple tips may be all that makes the difference between a great holiday and a not so great one and are an inexpensive way to give you the peace of mind for your holidays.

  • Make sure all windows and doors are locked in your home/garage/shed.
  •  Have your mail collected by a friend or neighbor, or have it held or redirected by the post office.
  •  Don’t leave a message on your answering machine, or a note on the door that tells callers you are away.
  •  Turn down your the volume on your phone so it can’t be heard ringing unanswered.
  •  Ask a neighbour/friend to put your rubbish bins out as usual.
  •  Consider using automatic timers to turn on a light, television or radio at different times.
  •  Leave a key with a trusted neighbor or friend and ask them to rearrange blinds, switch lights on and off at different times, etc. to make your house look “lived in”.
  •  Lock away tools, ladders and anything that could be used to get into your house, garage or shed.
  •  Ask a neighbor to park their car in your driveway occasionally to give the impression that someone is coming and going.
  •  Make sure all your valuables are stored securely.
  •  Have your lawn mowed while you are away. 
These tips may seem simple and common sense, but can make all the difference

If you are traveling for the holidays (or for any reason :-) I recommend checking out the new guide written by Henry Rustkirk, ex Airline reservation agent, entitled "Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights".

Henry has thrown in four bonus guides that come with Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights

Insider Secrets To Cheap Car Rentals
Insider Secrets To Cheap Hotel Reservations
Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights: Guide To Airport Security, and
Lifetime Updates To Insider Secrets To Cheap Flights and All Bonus Guides

All the information contained here will more than cover the cheap price, and make your holidays so much more enjoyable and cost effective. 

Have a safe and happy holiday experience :-)