If you're anything like me, you're eating everything that tastes good this time of year, and that includes sweets and treats on top of the main course.
(maybe even seconds or thirds :-)
Your discipline is limited - it's called will power - and unless you're ultra
disciplined already, the temptation can be too much resulting in.....
Here are three simple ways to increase your discipline, will power, and keep from overloading this holiday season.
1. Plan your meals.
It may seem silly, but if you plan what you're going to eat, you create an expectation and an attachment to that expectation. With a plan in place, such as allowing yourself to have one of each of two sweets after one plate of food, you'll be have a MUCH HIGHER rate of success when it comes to reaching your goal.
2. Drink more water.
Hunger can be reduced easily, just drink water. Not only will you increase hydration, you'll
want to eat less as your stomach is already dealing with processing water.
Double win baby!
3. Start a daily detox
Once you have made the decision to take control of your life, including your diet, it's pretty
easy to find ways to keep it up. Motivation grows as you make a different choice than the past day in and day out - the trick is to stay motivated.
Have a great Christmas and New year.